Dr Julien Subilia, LL.M., counsel, attorney-at-law, was awarded his doctorate in law in 2009 by the University of Lausanne (UNIL) dealing with the institutional and legal aspects of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in international civil aviation, under supervision of former ICAO‘s Secretary General Dr Philippe Rochat.
He is a graduate from the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP) in Lausanne, from McGill Institute of Air & Space Law (IASL) in Montreal, from IATA Training and Development Institute in Montreal/Geneva and from the Institute for European Studies (IES) in Brussels.
During several years, he figured on the International Civil Aviation Authority (ICAO)’s list of experts at disposal of ICAO Technical Cooperation Bureau (TCB); since 2015, he is admitted as air law instructor for the International Air Transport Association (IATA)‘s Training and Development Institute (ITDI).
Julien Subilia held several positions in the aviation industry, acting as expert and legal counsel for the Swiss Federal Office of Civil Aviation (FOCA) and for one of Switzerland’s major international airports.
He acts as member of the Executive Board of Swiss Aerodromes Association (SAA) and as its special representative to Airport Council International Europe (ACI Europe) in Brussels.
He devotes a substantial part of his time to humanitarian and/or charitable activities in the field of aid by air (Aviation Without Borders Switzerland) and in the field of medical research and development (CVCL Foundation for Research and Development in Cardiovascular Medicine)
J. SUBILIA AVIALEGAL LLC advises its clients, both private and public, and provides legal services to them, at the exclusion of trial litigation.
J. SUBILIA AVIALEGAL LLC relies on several types of collaborations either with recognized Swiss law firms or with services providers well-established in the aerospace industry.
Should the outcome become contentious and should a trial be needed or imposed, would J. SUBILIA AVIALEGAL LLC offer its clients, at their request, to direct them to renowned trial lawyers in the relevant field of expertise, depending on the circumstances.
The same applies in the field of aircraft financing, leasing or buying or with insurance coverages.
J. SUBILIA AVIALEGAL LLC intervenes with full transparency and care for its clients’ satisfaction.
J. SUBILIA AVIALEGAL LLC will do its best to favor agreed solutions and to avoid, if possible, litigation with the costs that the latter usually involves (judicial, lawyers, expertises…).
Julien Subilia or J. SUBILIA AVIALEGAL LLC is a member of the following professional associations: